Yesterday morning we met up at 6:00am and started driving. Mapquest says this is something like a 550 mile drive, which should take something over 9 hours. When I drive myself, it takes me probably 10 hours because I like to not be in a hurry and take lots of breaks. Even with trying to make it as easy on myself as possible, it's just not something I can do solo anymore (thanks, MS).
The drive itself was uneventful. She - I'll call her L - did most of the driving, giving me the wheel for about an hour in NC. Girlfriend drives like a bat out of you know where, and we arrived at almost exactly the 8-hour mark!
Anyhoo, we met up with my friend of 30+ years, Cathy, who toted me over to her beautiful home in Montpelier, 15 minutes north of Richmond Proper (check out the new barn and stables in her front yard),
where I was greeted by her horses, Man, Diamond and Radar (the only one who tolerated my camera).
Of course it started pouring down rain, so I couldn't get pics of the pasture and the house, dammit. Well, we chilled out, gabbed, messed with the cats, Peej, Mao, Leo and Louis for a couple of hours, then showered and headed out to dinner at my favorite Richmond eatery, The White Dog. Check out that menu!! Tip: Tell all the restaurant staff you drove eight hours to eat there, they might give you free dessert.
OK, back home at 11-ish, a little more yapping, in the bed at midnight. Slept like a dead person and up, bright and bushy-tailed at 7:30. Breakfast, coffee and more yapping, met back up with L at 10:50 and on the road home at 11. We drove to Charlotte with no stops, then I got about a 45-minute break when L deposited me at a Jack in the Box while she ran a personal errand. Back in the car, one stop to refuel and we arrived back home at about 7:30 this evening. Honestly, if it hadn't started monsoon-like raining as we got closer to home, we would have gotten home about a half-hour sooner.
Now it's 10:00pm and, somebody stick a fork in me, I'm done. What fun, what fun, what fun!!
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