First, the removal of the holter monitor. While it's not the worst thing a doctor could do to me, 24-hours of itchy EKG lead adhesive and not being able to shower is about all I can handle. Yes, that smell is me. Blech.
Then a new EKG strip and HR and BP were checked again.
Finally I was presented with my own little box, holding three bottles of pills, 35 each. I took today's dose (yep, still being stared at the whole time) and got my official "Patient Card". Among other things it says, "I am participating in a clinical trial of FTY720, an experimental drug for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)."
One hour later, I was sent out into the world, to join the other Fingoheads in search of a better, injection-free MS therapy.
Here is my new ID photo:

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